About Me

My name is Andrea, I am a mum of two boys (aged 16 and 7), a practising NHS midwife and an IBCLC Lactation consultant. I have over 10 years’ experience of working as an NHS midwife, mainly at the Midwife-led birthing unit (MLBU), but also Delivery suite, Antenatal clinic, Antenatal and Postnatal wards, as well as attending home births. I currently work as a community midwife, providing antenatal and postnatal aspects of midwifery care, including antenatal and postnatal clinics and postnatal home visits.

Over the years I have had the privilege of supporting countless women and their families through their pregnancies, labours and births, as well as providing advice and support through the postnatal period and helping women to achieve their breastfeeding goals.

And while I absolutely love being an NHS midwife, I am often faced with many time restriction in our busy ‘one size fits all’ healthcare system. This is why, 4 years ago, I decided to found my own business, which has allowed me to give more personalised care to my clients. My antenatal courses and lactation services don’t just skim the surface. My mission is to provide my clients with in-depth information so they feel empowered to make informed decisions that are right for them, based on relevant knowledge and their personal beliefs and values.